International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer-gk-help

When is Ozone Day celebrated?

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World Ozone Day is observed every year on 16 September


Why is the ozone layer observed?

On 16 September, campaigns are conducted in different countries to save the entire world ozone layer. World Ozone Day is observed every year on 16 September to educate people about the depletion of the ozone layer and to find possible solutions to save it. The day is observed when individuals from all over the world participate in seminars and talks on the ozone layer. Education professionals instruct students on the benefits associated with the ozone layer, and special activities and programs are organized to raise awareness.

World Ozone Day is observed every year on 16 September to educate people about the depletion of the ozone layer and to find possible ways to protect it. The day is celebrated when people from all over the world organize discussions and seminars about the ozone layer. Education professionals inform students about the benefits associated with the ozone layer, and special activities and programs are organized to raise awareness.

What is this ozone layer?

The ozone layer protects the world from the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. Ozone has three oxygen atoms. It is a highly reactive gas represented by O3. It is a naturally occurring as well as a manufactured product within the Earth’s upper atmosphere i.e. stratosphere and lower atmosphere i.e. troposphere. This ozone layer is found within the upper part of the stratosphere in the Earth’s atmosphere (15–35 km from Earth). It has very high levels of ozone (O3). It is formed naturally due to the interaction of UV radiation from the sun with oxygen molecules. It blocks the harmful UV radiation that hits the surface of the earth.

The primary factor in ozone depletion and ozone hole formation is caused by chemicals, especially halocarbons and refrigerants made from propellants, solvents and foam blowing substances (chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons, HCFCs). Scientists have observed a decline in stratospheric levels of ozone since the early 1970s. It was more prevalent in the polar regions. ODS compounds have a lifespan of about 100 years.

About the Montreal Protocol

The Montreal Protocol, signed on September 16, 1987, is an international agreement designed to protect the ozone layer by reducing the production of chemicals responsible for ozone layer damage. The Montreal Protocol allows progressively eliminating the production and consumption of ozone depleting chemicals (ODS), with separate schedules for developing and developed countries. According to the agreement, all parties share specific responsibilities regarding the removal of various groups of ODS, as well as the regulation of ODS trade and the management of ODS exports and imports, and other aspects with respect to the information and annual report of the National Licensing System .

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